domingo, 22 de febrero de 2015

Semana del 23 al 27 de febrero 2015


Estimados Padres de Familia:

Espero que hayan pasado un feliz fin de semana!

Esta semana:


Trabajaremos en clases con el concepto discriminación visual.  



-Estudiaremos la letra "Vv"(uve).

 Adjunto les envío el vocabulario para que puedan repasar en casa.







-Introduciré las sílabas (va, ve, vi, vo, vu) y practicaremos la escritura de la uve mayúscula y minúscula.

-Estudiaremos la palabra de alta frecuencia "mucho".

-Seguiremos trabajando en la escritura y lectura de oraciones.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WEDNESDAY – This Wednesday is an early dismissal day for our students, who will be released at 11:45 a.m. and we will follow P.M. schedule (periods 4-7).

LOST AND FOUND – If your son or daughter has lost a sweater, Tupperware, or water bottle, please send him or her to the office to check out the Lost and Found boxes. There are many items that need to be claimed by their owners as soon as possible.

            For Early Childhood and Elementary Only:

EARLY CHILDHOOD AND ELEMENTARY READ-A-THON – To commemorate Dr. Seuss’ birthday in March, the students from grades Kindergarten through five will all be participating in the month-long Read-a-Thon. The winner from each class will go out to lunch as a special treat from our DPTO! Please encourage your students to read, read, read, and fill out the reading logs that will be distributed next week. 

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