lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015

Semana del 9 al 13 de febrero 2015


Estimados Padres de Familia:

Espero que hayan disfrutado de su fin de semana!

Estamos listos para comenzar una semana muy productiva!!

Nursery y Pre Kinder

-Esta semana haremos lectura con el cuento  “Siempre pienso en ti”.


-Hablaremos del valor de mes: “La Equidad”.


-Estudiaremos la letra "ca,co,cu" (su nombre, sonido, y vocabulario). Adjunto encontrarán el vocabulario para que puedan practicarlo en casa.






-Introduciré las palabras de alta frecuencia "gusta", y "veo".
-Hablaremos sobre el valor del mes: "La Equidad".

Para la evaluación del jueves 12 de febrero su hijo(a) debe ser capaz de:
1. Nombrar y producir el sonido de la letra "ca, co, cu".
2. Nombrar el vocabulario de la letra "ca, co, cu".
3. Leer oraciones sencillas con el vocabulario. Ejemplo: Me gusta comer paleta.

VALENTINE’S DAY SENIORS ACTIVITIES – Our seniors will be distributing pre-ordered candy grams, roses and love/friendship letters for this Friday, February 13. They last day to pre-order these Valentine goodies is next Wednesday, February 11. They will also have a bake sale and wedding chapel that day during recess.

CAYOS COCHINOS  - SWITCHED TO TELA– The Cayos Cochinos trip of the 12th grade has been cancelled because of an incompatibility of the dates for the trip.  So, as part of TES, Trabajo Educativo Social, the 12th graders will be going to Tela on March 2 to 7 to assist the community of Garífunas.   They are in need of school materials, so the Senior class has decided to conduct a school supply drive. They would appreciate any and all donations but wish to ask the following classes that each student contributes the following:
Nursery and Kinder – I pack of 12 colored markers
1st and 2nd – 2 pencil sharpeners
3rd and 4th – 1 pack of 12 colored pencils
5th – 2 scissors
6th to 8th – 2 normal sized composition notebooks
9th – 1 blue, black and red pen
10th – 1 pack of 12 pencils and two erasers
11th – 4 UHU glue sticks

WE WOULD ALSO GREATLY APPRECIATE ANY SPANISH BOOK DONATIONS. Please help not only the Senior class, but also the lovely people in Tela.

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